Take a look at our
tailor made features

Our features are specifically designed in accordance to research based solutions to the contemporary challenges in marketing and management of schools.

School marketing

Lead acquisition & automation

Lead acquisition & automation

User powerful and customizable web and mobile apps to automate the school discovery to school enrollment process for parents.

Advanced analytics & insights

Advanced analytics & insights

Capture lead insights that’ll help drive decisions to maximize admissions.

School listing management

School listing management

Reach out to parents in the city with a buzzing school listing.

Lead management

Lead management

Manage leads efficiently and effectively through a smart automated system.

Offer Cashback Discounts

Offer Cashback Discounts

Create a buzz by offering school admission discounts partnering with 100+ leading retail brands in the country.

Referral benefits

Referral benefits

Generate referrals from leads through buzzapps’ unique rewards and incentives program that YOU manage.

Communications Center

Communications Center

Lead engagement made easier with in app chat and video and audio calls.

Appointment manager

Appointment manager

Manage all appointments and tasks with Buzzapp's smart task and appointment manager.

Story board - Publish stories

Story board - Publish stories

Weave a story out of regular school activities. Engage your audiences.

Admissions form marketing

Admissions form marketing

Complete admission cycle digitally, provide secure, convenient online option for parents.

Scan & go paperless admissions

Scan & go paperless admissions

Say no to filling long enquiry details. Simply scan a QR code and save all lead details in a breeze.

Task management

Task management

Manage all appointments and tasks with Buzzapp’s smart task and appointment manager.

School Management Features

School Management Features

Crafted for school administrators empowering them to turn every mundane administrative task as an opportunity to create stakeholder-engagement with teachers, parents and students. Not just another school CRM!

Academic Management Features

Academic Management Features

Manage academics in your school on buzzapp focusing on the most value-added academic tasks that create a buzzing school eco-system for parents, teachers and students.